KHOI | Blog

Troubleshooting ENOSPC no space left on device — Docker · 2 min read


Recently ran into an issue where I deployed a NextJS app with Docker on my DigitalOcean Ubuntu VPS and it logged this out while building: ENOSPC no sp...

Fixing NextJS 14 package issue · 2 min read


Recently upgraded a NextJS app to version 14.2.5 from version 14.2.4, and during the process, I ran `npm update` and got some stuff messed up, and the...

Tips for technical co-founder · 2 min read


Ideating: 1. Build prototype ASAP in a matter of days. 2. Create 90/10 solution. Focusing on a minimal viable product (MVP) that covers 90% of the ess...

Learning Go — Week 5 · 4 min read


Have not made any update to my Golang journey, because I had been busy building my first Golang project over the past few weeks. This project was buil...

Learning Go — Week 4 · 4 min read


I love how Go does error-handling! Error handling is not done via exceptions in Go. Instead, errors are normal values of types that implement the buil...

Learning Go — Week 3 · 2 min read


Week 3 of learning Golang. It's been a while! Yeah, I just graduated and spent some time traveling with my parents! Recently, I've been doing Go chall...

Learning Go — Week 2 · 2 min read


Week 2 of learning Golang: Speed-running has been my method of learning Go for the past week. Having learnt Python and C, I skipped some parts of A To...

Setting up CI/CD for your blog · 11 min read


In this blog post, let's learn how to set up a CI/CD workflow for your blog with CircleCI, GitHub, and a Virtual Private Server (VPS)...

SOAR Playbooks · 3 min read


SOAR stands for Security Orchestration, Automation and Response. It is a technology solution that aims to streamline and automate the security operati...

Learning Go — Week 1 · 1 min read


Week 1 of learning Golang. Here are a few things I found interesting about Go: 1. Go is sort of Object-Oriented...