KHOI | Blog

Before the Startup · 4 min read


Paul Graham's Before the Startup# 1. CounterintuitiveStartups are so weird that if you trust your instincts, you'll make a lot of mistakes. If you kno...

Why to not not start a startup · 17 min read


Takeaway from Paul Graham's Why to not not start a startup...

Startup at uni · 11 min read


Some time in 2021 - Avish and I were aspiring entrepreneurs at the University of North Alabama. We met at the Generator - a facility for innovators, e...

How to get & evaluate startup ideas? · 7 min read


YC YouTube video# 4 most common mistakes...

Antifragile · 5 min read


What is antifragile? There is this misconception of a happy life is that one should always be happy. However, learning to embrace and accept painful e...

My first Chrome extension · 6 min read


As I was doing my final project for Harvard CS50x, I decided to build a Chrome extension because, _why not_, I had never built one before so it would ...

Strategies for ICPC · 2 min read


> **_International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)_** is an algorithmic programming contest for college students. Teams of three, representing t...

The Optimal Morning Routine · 1 min read


I have recently watched a video by AfterSkool on how to have The Optimal Morning Routing. Here is what I learn...

Lessons learned from web designing for a small company · 4 min read


# **TL;DR**My friends and I created a website for a small business. Here are some things I learn:- Looking into the company’s current tool- Leverage t...

First failed investment · 5 min read


First of all, I want to say that I am not a financial advisor or an expert and this blog is basically my opinion about the stock market. Now, here is ...