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What are packet sniffers & how to use Snort

Tue, Oct 03, 2023 · 7 min read
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Packet sniffers

How they work

  • Packet sniffers work by intercepting and logging network traffic via the wired or wireless network interface on its host computer.

  • Once the raw packet data is captured, the packet sniffing software analyzes it and presents it in a readable form so that the person using the software can make sense of it.

Ways to intercept traffic

Port Mirroring: Used on a network switch to send a copy of network packets seen on one switch port to a network monitoring connection on another switch port.

Network Tap: A device that allows you to monitor and access data that is transmitted over a network.

Tools To Perform Packet Capture

  • Wireshark

  • Tcpdump

  • Snort: a packet sniffer that monitors network traffic, scrutinizing each packet closely to detect a dangerous payload or suspicious anomalies.


What it is

Snort is the foremost Open Source Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) in the world.

Snort IPS uses a series of rules that help define malicious network activity and uses those rules to find packets that match against them and generates alerts for users.

Snort has 3 primary uses:

  • As a packet sniffer like tcpdump.
  • As a packet logger - which is useful for network traffic debugging.
  • As a full-blown network intrusion prevention system.

How it works

Snort works by taking in a text file - where you define all the rules - as an input, then Snort will act based on these rules.

The below picture shows you what makes a Snort rule:

Components of a Snort rule Source:

How to use

To use Snort, first I write my rule in local.rules file:

alert icmp any any -> any any ( msg:"ICMP Traffic Detected"; sid:10000001; metadata:policy security-ips alert;)

This rule alerts me any icmp traffic on the network. Make sure to change Snort config file snort.lua to include the local.rules file.

ips =
  enable_builtin_rules = true,
  include = RULE_PATH .. "/local.rules",
  variables = default_variables

Then run:

sudo snort -c /usr/local/etc/snort/snort.lua -i eth0 -A alert_fast -s 65535 -k none
  • sudo: This command is run with superuser privileges, as Snort typically requires administrative access to capture and analyze network traffic.

  • snort: This is the actual Snort command-line tool.

  • -c /usr/local/etc/snort/snort.lua: This option specifies the configuration file for Snort. In this case, it points to the configuration file located at /usr/local/etc/snort/snort.lua.

  • -i eth0: This option specifies the network interface to monitor. In this case, it’s set to eth0, which is a common network interface name in Linux systems. Snort will listen on this network interface to capture network traffic.

  • -A alert_fast: This option specifies the alerting mode to use. The alert_fast mode is a more efficient alerting mode that quickly alerts on suspicious traffic without extensive packet logging.

  • -s 65535: This option sets the snaplen (snap length) for packet capture. It determines the maximum number of bytes to capture from each packet. A snaplen of 65535 means that Snort will capture the entire packet, up to the maximum allowed by the Ethernet frame size.

  • -k none: This option specifies how to handle sticky buffers. In this case, it’s set to none, meaning that sticky buffers are not used.

That’s it! Hope you enjoy this brief intro to Snort!